The driving force behind the innovation in Gang Beasts battles is the physics system which allows the jelly-like creatures to grapple onto anything and everything.
Where Gang Beasts succeeds most keenly however, is in how creative it allows the cast of spongy fighters under its employ to be. Gang Beasts is incredible fun with friends – just don’t forget the beers Get the drinks in however and as your own dexterity falls and your giddiness increases, Gang Beasts morphs into something else – a brawler where accidental falls and mistaken attacks are joyfully and collectively heralded rather than something to be picked apart and stewed upon. The deliberately imprecise mechanics don’t lend Gang Beasts terribly well to sober or po-faced play, as confusion and frustration at the chaotic nature of the encounters can dull the lustre of what is otherwise a raucous experience.